Additional research projects

Together with its industry partner, the chaire is continuously participating in project funding rounds. The partnership is the perfect ground for that. Look here for more advantages of being a partner of the chaire.

TRUE-VIEW (2020-2021):
Increasing Trust and Transparency in ambient Data Collection using Mixed Reality to visualize Information Flows

With the digital transformation, our environments get enriched with remote-controllable sensors and actuators. Current examples are smart factories, smart public spaces, and smart homes. Smart functionality typically happens in the ambience, invisible for humans. The underlying paradigm is also called ambient computing.

Despite the great potential of information technology for supporting mankind in handling extreme situations such as crises, or increasing the resilience of a critical infrastructure, many people are skeptical or negative against ambient computing. This reflects in the numbers of COVID-19 tracing App installations but also in surveys and discussion rounds. This lack of acceptance often comes with a lack of trust in the technology.

A major problem of ambient computing is that it happens in the ambience, hidden from humans. As humans have no possibility to sense its availability, it can get out of control. People seem to feel a hidden menace. At the same time, threats remain often undetected as identifying them is complex and difficult due to missing visualizations.

#MixedReality #AmbiantData #Trust #AmbiantComputing


  • 20 000 EUR German-French Academy for the industry of the future (GFA)


  • TU Munich (TUM) Department of Informatics, Chair of IT Security, Prof. Dr. Claudia Eckert
  • TU Munich (TUM) Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality, Prof. Dr. Gudrun Klinker
  • Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG), Volker Tippmann
  • IMT Atlantique, Cyber CNI Chair, IRISA, Prof. Dr. Marc-Oliver Pahl
  • IMT Atlantique, Computer Science Dpt. / Lab-STICC, Dr. Thierry Duval

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P4D (2020-2021):
Preserving personal data while ensuring contact tracing in times of crises

The P4D project focuses on crisis management through Information Technology. It uses a multi-disciplinary approach to provide best algorithm support to manage future crisis.

During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, it has become apparent that technologies of proximity and contact tracing may prove vital to the limiting of viral spread, hereby becoming an important tool of pandemic control. While contact tracing has often taken on the shape of paper forms to be filled out by hand, the emergence of IT-based solutions to proximity and contact tracing promise to simplify, accelerate and improve the accuracy of contact tracing approaches toward pandemic control.

As those technologies are still in the process of formation, this interdisciplinary project seeks to further the understanding of how a variety of different tracing and tracking solutions may be implemented in the management of the current COVID-19 pandemic and future crisis. Bringing together researchers from the fields of cybersecurity, business engineering and economics, network architectures, law and technology as well as sociology ; this project presents a comprehensive perspective on the preconditions for responsible and reliable usage of these new applications.

#Contact tracing #RFID  #QR-Codes #Privacy #Security


  • 20 000 EUR German-French Academy for the industry of the future (GFA)


  • TU Munich (TUM) Chair of Network Architectures and Services, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Carle
  • Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) & TUM School of Governance, Prof. Dr. Christian Djeffal
  • Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS), M.A. Kevin Weller
  • IMT Atlantique, Cyber CNI Chair, Prof. Dr. Marc-Oliver Pahl
  • IMT Atlantique, Cyber CNI Chair, Prof. Dr. Annie Blandin
  • IMT Atlantique, Cyber CNI Chair, Prof. Dr. Thibault de Swarte

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ASSET (2018-2019):
Enhancing security in the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a promising technology, interconnecting machines, sensors, actuators, and other devices on the internet. The trend is to make the network smart enough to manage auto-configuration, self-adaptation, self-healing and to perform intelligent routing. The standards and current research in the Internet of Things enable application of this technology to domains such as smart cities, the smart grid, and Industry 4.0. However, the IoT can only be densely deployed if the associated technologies are secured.

The ASSET project (Towards a Secure Internet of Things) investigates new solutions to enhance security of the Internet of Things and strengthen its resilience against cyberattacks.

#IoT  #Industry4.0  #Cybersecurity 

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SCHEIF (2018-2019):
Smart Cyber-pHysIcal Environments for Industry of the Future

The 4th industrial revolution is characterized by self-optimization-coordination, and -configuration of its processes. It is expected to revolutionize various domains, ranging from Smart Factories to HealthcareEnergyMobilityBuildings and Cities. The Industry-of-the Future is characterized by a strong interaction between the physical and the virtual surroundings of its Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) that form the basis for intelligent connected production systems.

The SCHEIF project will investigate requirements of smart CPS environments for supporting diverse lesser controlled interactions between CPSs and human workers. SCHEIF targets enabling an evolution of CPSs making them capable of autonomously apprehending and understanding their environments. SCHEIF aims to design a hardware and software reference architecture, decision flows, and additional technical enablers for smart Decentralized Cyber-Physical Environments (D-CPE). As core concept, the project will integrate intelligentcontext-awareconnected and responsive agents.

#IoT  #Industry 40   #Security