Chaire Cyber CNI

Chaire Cyber CNI – Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

FIC 2021: All4Tec

The Forum International de la Cybersécurité (FIC) in Lille is a great place for meeting people. Our director Marc-Oliver Pahl took the chance to meet with All4Tec. It was a great pleasure to exchange in person with Laurent Cosson, ALL4TEC: CEO – HRV Simulation.

Together with Tony Hedoux, Laurent participated in the speaker series (watch the recording here). We are looking forward to possibly intensify the collaboration in the future!

About the FIC (

The International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC) has become the reference event in Europe for digital security and trust. Its originality lies in its combination of a FORUM promoting reflection and exchange within the European cybersecurity ecosystem and a trade fair dedicated to meetings between buyers and suppliers of cybersecurity solutions.

About the IMT Atlantic Chair CYBER CNI (

Launched in January 2016 as part of the dynamics of the Cyber Cluster of Excellence, IMT Atlantique’s Cybersecurity Chair internationally contributes to the development of research and training activities in a field that has become a national priority: the cybersecurity of critical infrastructures (energy networks, industrial processes, water production plants, financial systems, etc.). The research work of the Cyber CNI Chair is based on 4 axes:

  1. Security-by-Design
  2. Monitoring and Data Analytics
  3. (Semi-) automated Mitigation
  4. Human-in-the-Loop

The results are of interest to several sectors of activity, such as industrial control systems, vehicular applications, large communications networks and cloud computing.

The chair is carried by IMT Atlantique in collaboration with Télécom ParisTech and Télécom SudParis. It hosts internationally recognized researchers in the field of cybersecurity, organizes international conferences and aims to strengthen cooperation with other international chairs on the same theme. The financial contributions of the partner companies are managed by the Fondation Télécom, which provides long-term support for the implementation of general interest partnerships between the Institut Mines-Télécom, its Telecom schools and companies on the major technological and societal challenges of the digital age.

In addition to the Regional Council of Brittany, which has invested in this research area (in particular within the framework of the Pôle d’excellence cyber), five industrial partners have agreed to contribute to this chair: Airbus Defence and Space, Amossys, BNP Paribas, EDF and NokiaBell Labs. In addition to their direct interest in the expected scientific advances, these partners benefit from a wider pool of experts, able to meet their growing needs in the field of cyber security of critical infrastructures. The civil and military duality of this field also makes it possible to work closely with government agencies. The Chair contributes to the reputation of the Pôle d’excellence Cyber, established between the State and various public research actors in cyber security, including IMT Atlantique on behalf of the Institut Mines-Télécom.

This chair offers students from all over the world the opportunity to develop unique expertise in the cybersecurity of critical infrastructures, a field in which there will be a significant need for skills in the industrial and service sectors, ranging from innovative SMEs to large industrial groups.

Marc-Oliver Pahl

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