Chaire Cyber CNI

Chaire Cyber CNI – Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

[FIC2023] “Protection des infrastructures critiques : un sujet au cœur de l’actualité,” 6.4.2023 14h00, Pavillon de la Région Bretagne F23

We cordially invite you to meet us at the Forum International de la Cybersécurité in Lille on 6.4.2023 14h00, Pavillon de la Région Bretagne F23, for our session with the Brittany Region and the BDI on “Protection des infrastructures critiques : un sujet au cœur de l’actualité”.

As in the past years, the chaire will have a strong presence at the Forum International de la Cybersécurité (FIC 2023) in the Grand Palais at Lille. The goal of the chair is showcasing its works for attracting 2-3 additional industry partners.

Other interventions

  • 5.4.2023 16h30, Area of the Masterclasses and Research Presentations of the CNRS
    Marc-Oliver Pahl, “The Metaverse – Risk or Chance: a Cybersecurity Perspective”
  • 6.4.2023 14h00, Pavillon de la Région Bretagne F23, “Protection des infrastructures critiques : un sujet au cœur de l’actualité”

If you want to exchange with us, do not hesitate to contact us in advance to schedule a meeting!

About the FIC

The International Cybersecurity Forum is Europe’s leading event on digital security and trust issues.

Its unique feature is to bring together the entire cybersecurity and “trusted digital” ecosystem: end customers, service providers, solution providers, consultants, law enforcement and government agencies, schools and universities…

Its mission is to respond to a double urgency :

  • To face the operational challenges of cybersecurity 
  • To contribute to the construction of a digital future in line with European values and interests

The FIC is at the same time:

  • An exhibition dedicated to meetings between end customers and solution and service providers
  • A forum for exchange and reflection on the operational and strategic challenges of cybersecurity

About the chair Cybersecurity of Critical Networked Infrastructures (

The Cyber CNI Chair at IMT Atlantique does research, innovation, and teaching in the field of cybersecurity for critical networked infrastructures. Such infrastructures include industrial processes, financial systems, building automation, energy networks, water treatment plants, or transportation.

The chair covers the full stack from sensors and actuators and their signals over industrial control systems, distributed services at the edge or cloud, to user interfaces with collaborative Mixed Reality, and security policies. The chair currently hosts 9 PhD students, 4 PostDocs, 11 Professors, 1 engineer, and 1 internship student.

The chair runs a large testbed that enables applied research together with the industry partners. The industry partners of the current third funding round are Airbus, BNP Paribas, EDF, and SNCF. The chaire is located in Brittany, France. Brittany is the cybersecurity region number 1 in France. The chair Cyber CNI is strongly embedded in the cybersecurity ecosystem through its partnerships with the Pôle d’Excellence Cyber (PEC) and the Brittany Region.

Marc-Oliver Pahl

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