On Oct 17, 2022, our postdoc Nisrine IBADAH presented her latest results regarding “sécurisation des infrastructures mobiles critiques“: https://youtu.be/8istZfwaPfM
The cyberCNI.fr (https://cyberCNI.fr/) Research Update (Spring/ Fall) happens once per semester. It is the big status event of the chair Cyber CNI. All works around the chair are presenting their progress, current works, and next challenges. In this talk, our research engineer Fabien Autrel presents how we improved our testbed based on Fischertechnik and CyberRange technologies.
The cyberCNI.fr (https://cyberCNI.fr/) Research Update (Spring/ Fall) happens once per semester. It is the big status event of the chair Cyber CNI. All works around the chair are presenting their progress, current works, and next challenges. The year 2021 was rich of activities. In this talk, our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl presents an overview of the most important activities of the year. The perfect possibility to catch up with the ecosystem of the chaire Cyber CNI.