Chaire Cyber CNI

Chaire Cyber CNI – Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

TRUE-view project at FakeMM 2021: Detecting and Preventing Faked Mixed Reality

The TRUE-VIEW project presented a paper on Faked Mixed Reality at the 3rd FakeMM workshop co-located with the 4th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (IEEE-MIPR 2021). The paper discusses the risks coming with the increased use of virtual reality for critical tasks and its potential to fake reality within the cyberspace.

FakeMM workshop focuses on the identification of fake content, be it text, image, audio or video. The TRUE-VIEW project was present with Gudrun Klinker and Fabian Kilger. Fabian presented the joint paper “Detecting and Preventing Faked Mixed Reality”.

Abstract—Virtualized collaboration can significantly increaseremote management of critical infrastructures. Crises such as thecurrent COVID-19 pandemic push the technology: they requireremote management to keep our infrastructures running. MixedReality (MR) prototypes enable remote management in diversefields such as medicine, industry 4.0, energy systems, education,or cyber awareness. However, the evolution of virtualized collab-oration is still in the beginning.By design, MR is fake: its reality is generated from models.This makes detecting attacks very difficult. Many MR-attacksresult from well-known cybersecurity threats.This paper identifies classic attack surfaces, vectors, andconcrete threats that are relevant for MR. It presents mitigationmethods that can help to secure the underlying data exchanges.However, distributed systems are often heterogeneous andunder different management authorities, making securing theentire virtualized remote management stack difficult. The papertherefore also introduces considerations towards an MR-client-based attack detection, i.e.,MR-forensics, including relevantfeatures and the use of machine learning.

Index Terms—Cybersecurity, Mixed Reality, Remote Manage-ment, Deepfake, MR forensics

The TRUE-VIEW project (2020-2021) funded by the German-French Academy of the Future:
Increasing Trust and Transparency in ambient Data Collection using Mixed Reality to visualize Information Flows

With the digital transformation, our environments get enriched with remote-controllable sensors and actuators. Current examples are smart factories, smart public spaces, and smart homes. Smart functionality typically happens in the ambience, invisible for humans. The underlying paradigm is also called ambient computing.

Despite the great potential of information technology for supporting mankind in handling extreme situations such as crises, or increasing the resilience of a critical infrastructure, many people are skeptical or negative against ambient computing. This reflects in the numbers of COVID-19 tracing App installations but also in surveys and discussion rounds. This lack of acceptance often comes with a lack of trust in the technology.

A major problem of ambient computing is that it happens in the ambience, hidden from humans. As humans have no possibility to sense its availability, it can get out of control. People seem to feel a hidden menace. At the same time, threats remain often undetected as identifying them is complex and difficult due to missing visualizations.

#MixedReality #AmbiantData #Trust #AmbiantComputing


  • 20 000 EUR German-French Academy for the industry of the future (GFA)


  • IMT Atlantique, Cyber CNI Chair, IRISA, Prof. Dr. Marc-Oliver Pahl (coordinator)
  • IMT Atlantique, Computer Science Dpt. / Lab-STICC, Dr. Thierry Duval
  • TU Munich (TUM) Department of Informatics, Chair of IT Security, Prof. Dr. Claudia Eckert
  • TU Munich (TUM) Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality, Prof. Dr. Gudrun Klinker
  • Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG), Volker Tippmann
Marc-Oliver Pahl

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