Chaire Cyber CNI

Chaire Cyber CNI – Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

Wed, may 25, 2022, 5pm CET I Julien Nocetti (Académie militaire de Saint-Cyr, Rennes School of Business, France) – Cyber-related threats & Geopolitics: Upgrading the level-playing expertise

On Wed, May 25th, 2022, 5pm CET I Julien Nocetti (Military Academy Saint-Cyr, Chairholder chair Gouvernance du risque cyber, Rennes School of Business, France), will talk about “Cyber-related threats & Geopolitics: Upgrading the level-playing expertise“. You are cordially invited to join the free live stream on youtube and LinkedIn! Please share the link with your interested friends!

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Our increasingly digital and interconnected societies inevitably result in a heightened risk of major cyber crises, be it from steady, non-destructive attacks or from systemic contamination. The varying forms and severity of cyber threats continue to grow, with computer attacks generally based around four main objectives: espionage, illegal trafficking (cybercrime), sabotage, and destabilisation (information manipulations). However, geopolitics is not always a risk which is taken into account by CISOs and IT managers, as they do not necessarily comprehend the whole set of political, cultural, geoeconomics, etc. peculiarities of the markets in which their companies operate. This talk will seek to explain the need for integrating a more geopolitical lens into IT/cybersecurity strategies given the depth and global interdependencies of the risks. It will also focus on the actors, stakeholders in the global cyber landscape that we should consider in our risk-analysis, threat intelligence assessments.

Watch the trailer here.

Julien Nocetti

Dr. Julien Nocetti is Head of the Chair in Cyber Risk Governance at Rennes School of Business, and an Associate Fellow at French premier-think tank IFRI (French Institute for International Relations). He also teaches cyberspace and international politics at Saint-Cyr Military Academy, and is a research member of GEODE Centre (Geopolitics of the Datasphere, University Paris 8). Julien is a member of CIGREF’s Strategic Orientation Council. He conducts research on global cyber-related issues, including the geopolitics of cyberspace and artificial intelligence, as well as the geoeconomics of emerging technologies. He is also a specialist in Russia’s foreign and cyber policies.

Rennes School of Business

Rennes School of Business is a French management school which is distinguished by its global outlook, international student body and international faculty. In line with the School’s main missions, the Chair in Cyber Risk Governance aims to produce high-level training and expertise, while encouraging debate between experts and decision-makers in the economic and political worlds.

The Cyber CNI Lecture Series is a free monthly event that takes place on the last Wednesday of the month from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm.

The event consists of a 40-minute expert presentation followed by a 30-minute discussion.

The Cyber CNI Speaker series aims to raise awareness and understanding of cyber security issues among all audiences. It aims to enable an ongoing dialogue between experts from industry and academia and the general public (citizens, families, small and large businesses, public organizations, etc.). All of us are concerned.

The events are broadcast live on Youtube ( and LinkedIn, allowing worldwide remote participation – including a tool to participate in the discussion.

You can add the event calendar via ICSwebcalHTML.

How the digital transformation is changing our lives

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown all of us the benefits of information technology. It allows us to work at a distance, to live at a distance, and most importantly, to keep in touch at a distance – with younger and older people, those closest to us, and even make new contacts.

Our society relies more and more on information and operational technologies. Examples include water, energy, heat and cooling supply, communications, healthcare, production and processing of goods, transportation, national security, banking, research and education, and food production.

What all these areas have in common is that they make intensive use of networked distributed computer systems. These systems can be attacked in many ways. This is no longer just a problem for computer “pros” because computer systems are essential to all of us. The effects of “cyber-attacks” range from power outages to the collapse of the health care or banking sectors.

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