Chaire Cyber CNI

Chaire Cyber CNI – Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

Participation at the RESSI 2022 -THE event of the French security community

The chaire participates at the “Rendez-vous de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information” (RESSI) 2022. RESSI is a scientific event that aims to bring together and animate the French-speaking community of academic and industrial research and teaching related to the security of information systems.

Our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl will present the chair with a focus on the currently starting third phase. The PhD student Léo Lavaur, and the professors Guillaume Doyen and Renzo Navas participate as well. RESSI 2022 takes place in Chambon sur Lac with around 80 participants. It is a great opportunity for getting to know what is going on in the French security at the moment. It is also a great occasion to exchange and launch new projects.


RESSI (Rendez-Vous de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information) is a scientific event that aims to bring together and animate the French-speaking community of academic and industrial research and teaching related to information systems security.

The meetings are organized around several types of activities, presentations and exchanges:

Replay of papers or thesis defenses from the year preceding the conference that were deemed particularly important and successful;
Presentations of collaborative research projects of regional, national or European scope;
Presentations of pedagogical models, innovative teaching or pedagogical feedback;
Safety challenge for students from safety training courses;
Short presentations and posters by doctoral students describing their current research work.
Impromptu workshops allowing participants to gather and work together on topics proposed by other participants during the conference.
By its transverse nature, RESSI aims to gather the largest possible French-speaking community around the theme of information systems security and to catalyze synergies between the various people concerned by this field, whether they come from the world of research, from a company supporting an activity in cybersecurity, from a state actor, from higher education (including students) or as a simple user of security technologies.

Previous editions of RESSI took place in:

  • Troyes in 2015 ;
  • Toulouse in 2016 ;
  • Grenoble in 2017 ;
  • Nancy in 2018 ;
  • Erquy in 2019;
  • Online in 2020.

This year, RESSI is held in Chambon-sur-Lac. The scientific program of the conference will take place from May 10 to 12, 2022, with welcoming on the 9th. The conference registration includes all meals from the evening of the 9th to the 12th, as well as the nights from the 9th to the 12th.

About the chaire Cyber CNI

The IMT Cyber CNI Chair ( is hosted by IMT Atlantique on the Rennes campus. It studies the security of critical infrastructures under the direction of Marc-Oliver PAHL and with the collaboration of its industrial partners Airbus Cybersecurity, Amossys, BNP Paribas, EDF, Nokia Bell Labs and SNCF, as well as institutional partners such as the Pôle d’Excellence Cyber and the Brittany region, and academic partners IMT Atlantique, Télécom ParisTech and Télécom SudParis.

Marc-Oliver Pahl

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