La chaire participe au Le Forum International de la Cybersécurité (FIC) 2021. Le Mardi 7 septembre 2021, Marc-Oliver Pahl participe à une table ronde «CYBERSECURITY FOR INDUSTRY – TR02 – Protéger la chaîne IT/OT et les objets connectés industriels.
28.4.21 17h CET: Tony Hedoux, All4Tec, General Secretary Ebios Club, France – “Identifying relevant cyber risks quickly with the EBIOS RM method”. You are cordially invited to join the free live stream!
EBIOS RM is an ANSSI risk analysis method that helps identifying concrete cybersecurity risks and corresponding protection actions.
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March 31, 2021, at 17h CET, Sylvain Guilley, co-founder and CTO at Secure-IC, France, will give a talk on “Addressing security breaches through trusted data management”.
This talk will explain how current security breaches, such as data leaks, sabotage and even large-scale ransom attacks, can be addressed through a “trusted data management” approach.
Topics will be covered encompass :
– End-to-end security for IoTs, from chip to cloud via edge
– DevSecOps (Development – Security – Operations) tool chain, security left shift and pre-silicon certification
– Lifecycle management, example of transitioning to Post-Quantum Cryptography
– Security improvements with Artifical Intelligence on chip
– Trends in different markets: industry 4.0, automotive, marine, government.
You are cordially invited to join the free live stream on youtube!