Chaire Cyber CNI

Chaire Cyber CNI – Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

Immersions en entreprise : Un levier stratégique pour la Chaire Cyber CNI et ses partenaires ! 

Dans le cadre de ses collaborations avec des partenaires industriels, la Chaire Cyber CNI encourage les immersions en entreprise pour ses doctorants. Ces expériences uniques renforcent les synergies entre le monde académique et industriel, favorisant l’échange de connaissances et le développement de solutions concrètes face aux défis croissants de la cybersécurité.

Research Update 1/ 2023 EDF Palaiseau 11.4.2023

On April 11, 2023, we held our bi-yearly research update at the EDF site in Palaiseau. With almost the entire team of the chaire present! As usual, the day was full of very nice presentations from our members, enriching discussions around our research topics, and of course open discussions around the cybersecurity. Thanks a lot to our hosts at EDF for the great hospitality, numerous expert participation, and the last but not least the very good food. We can all be proud of this wonderful day!

[FIC2023] “The Metaverse – Risk or Chance: A Cybersecurity Perspective,” 5.4.2023, 16h30, CNRS area

We cordially invite you to meet us at the Forum International de la Cybersécurité in Lille on 5.4.2023 16h30, area of the Masterclasses and Research Presentations of the CNRS, for our session with our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl on “The Metaverse – Risk or Chance: a Cybersecurity Perspective”.

[ECW2022] Marc-Oliver PAHL, chairholder of the Cyber CNI Chair, speaks about “How to join the club? 8 Reasons for becoming a partner of the chair CyberCNI”

The chaire Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures ( offers an excellent opportunity for companies to do research in collaboration with academic partners. As part of the CyberCNI Chair session at the ECW 2022, Marc-Oliver PAHL, our chairholder of the Cyber CNI Chair explains what the benefits of becoming a partner of the chaire include: “How to join the club? 8 Reasons for becoming a partner of the chair CyberCNI”.

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