Chaire Cyber CNI

Chaire Cyber CNI – Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

GTSSLR: Formalization of network properties for resilient DLTs

As part of the GT SSLR thematic day on 2021-05-11, Stefan presented his thesis under the title Formalization of network properties for resilient DLTs. The poster, slides, and paper are available on the website of the research group.


Blockchain technology has become quite a major topic in the previous years. Emerging through cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in early 2010s, it is now used in various fields, like power grid, smart cars or bank transactions. But with the grow- ing interest in blockchain, the question of their security became a massive one, as well as the question of their performances.

One of the main theme related to theses questions is the differences between Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake. Proof-of- Work is a mechanism used by a large majority of the current blockchain. Introduced by Bitcoin, its lack in performances and large resources consumption is compensated by its security performances. On the other hand, Proof-of-Stake is an alternative which allows blocks to be quickly created and with a lesser energy consumption, but at the expense of the security.

The objective of this thesis is therefore to study these two mechanisms, their advantages and vulnerabilities, and, if it is possible, to find a mechanism with both the efficiency and low consumption of Proof-of-Stake and the security of Proof-of-Work.

GT SSLR 2021

As part of the scientific animation on the topics of the working group “Security of Systems, Software and Networks” (SSLR), a thematic day dedicated to network security was held on May 11, 2021 online, in partnership with the research group “Networks and Distributed Systems”.

The program included guest keynotes and PhD students presentations. More information on

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