[RU1/21] Manel SMINE, Software Defined Security for Internet of Things
Manel SMINE is at the chaire since April 2019 and is followed by Airbus, BNP Parisbas, EDF and Nokia.
Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is a network architecture concept which virtualizes network functions (firewalling, DNS, intrusion detection, etc.). It creates a Virtualized Network Function (VNF) instance that is deployed over a virtualized infrastructure. NFV is introduced as a new methodology that offers several advantages such as the optimization of the resources and the improvement of network efficiency and performance. Despite those advantages, security concerns are an important obstacle for a wide adoption of NFV. New threats and vulnerabilities are inevitably introduced. The objective in this work is to enhance the security of VNF network services by controlling the communication between the different components of the network service through the deployment of access control policies.
- [RU1/21] Mariana SEGOVIA, Cyber résilience des systèmes cyber physiques et tolérance aux attaques - October 13, 2021
- [RU1/21] Manel SMINE, Software Defined Security for Internet of Things - October 6, 2021
- [RU1/21] Hassan CHAITOU, Optimizing security risk learning on data in presence of heterogenity - September 29, 2021