In order to attract new partners, our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl pitched the chair in the Pôle Excellence Cyber (PEC) after work event. The “afters” happened on Tuesday 21 March 2023 in the heart of the Mabilay totem building in Rennes at the La French Tech Rennes – St Malo POOOL. This was a great opportunity to meet old and new friends in the PEC ecosystem.
Our PhD student Léo Lavaur (IMT Atlantique, Topic T9: Federated approaches for defending cyber-attacks) participated in the C&ESAR conferences at the ECW held from 15 to 17 November 2022 in Rennes where he presented his paper :
“Federated Learning as enabler for Collaborative Security between not Fully-Trusting Distributed Parties”
Léo Lavaur, Benjamin Costé, Marc-Oliver Pahl, Yann Busnel and Fabien Autrel
On Oct 17, 2022, our PhD Anthony DAVID presented her latest results regarding “Virtual Reality for cybersecurity data vizualisation“.
In his 90s research elevator pitch, our PhD Anthony DAVID presented her work on “Immersive cybersecurity”.
In his 90s research elevator pitch, our PhD Nicolas DELCOMBEL presented her work on “Virtual reality for cybersecurity”.
In her 90s research elevator pitch, our post-doc Nisrine IBADAH presented her work on “Securing mobile infrastructures”.
In her 90s research elevator pitch, our PhD Léo LAVAUR presented her work on “Federated learning for defending cyber-attacks”.
On Oct 17, 2022, our PhD Awaleh HOUSSEIN MERANEH presented her latest results regarding “Automated Learning for handling Cyber-Physical Attacks“.
In her 90s research elevator pitch, our PhD Luis Fernando de Oliveira SOEIRO presented her work on “CodeLedger : tracking the provenance of critical open source components”.
In her 90s research elevator pitch, our PhD Zeinab Ibrahim Rahal presented her work on “Digital twins for cyber security”.