Please help us spreading the news that the registration is open for our 5th PhD school on “IoT meets Automation” from Aug 29-Sep2, 2022 in Berlin: Below you find the corresponding email. Please share it in your communities via mail, LinkedIN, etc. Looking forward to welcoming many of you and your students in Berlin!
We celebrate our 5th anniversary this year! We cordially invite you to our 5th PhD school on “IoT meets Autonomy” from Aug 29th – Sep 2nd, 2022 at the Einstein Center Digital Future in Berlin, Germany. Expect a week full of exciting challenges, keynotes, PhD pitches, networking, sight seeing, and more – short, a lot of fun is awaiting you. Inform your friends! More info and registration at
The 4th edition of starts today, Monday Nov 3, 2021 – join us live at
This year’s edition has the title “IoT meets Cyber and Security“. Software drives the critical infrastructures around us like water or energy supply, communication, transportation, banking, production, or health care. This year’s edition focuses on different aspects of software cyberspace, including cybersecurity.
On July 13, 2021, I have the pleasure to be invited as panelist at the Young Security Conference.
The Young Security Conference (YSC) aims at connecting young thinkers with policy experts and academic scholars in a dialogue about the future of European security and defense.
I will participate in the panel “15h30 – 17h30: Afternoon Session III: Cyber security & Digital policies”.
Chers partenaires, chers amis de la chaire Cyber CNI, nous sommes très heureux d’accueillir aujourd’hui à Rennes une délégation d’Airbus Cybersecurity ! A l’occasion de
Alexandre Kabil is leaving us after many years of successful human-in-the-loop cybersecurity interface research. All the best Alex! We stay in contact.
Mathis Frouin is joining us for a 3 months internship on our experimentation platform. Welcome Mathis! We are looking forward to develop cool things with you!
I was giving a speech on the need for cybersecurity and strong investments in cybersecurity as basis for our modern society on June 10, 2021.
I was invited at the signage event of the German-French Academy for the industry of the future regarding the signing of the partnership with Airbus and ArianeGroup. The event took place at the Ministry of Economy and relance of and with Bruno Le Maire.
From October 2020 to March 2021, Thibault de Swarte and I, Marc-Oliver Pahl, had the pleasure to work together with our engineering students Edouard FORTUNET, Ludovic FRANCIS, Paul GERMAINE and Quentin JEZEQUEL on an exciting topic: how to use applications to manage crisis better! Enjoy this report and have a look at the final presentation of the results.
As part of the GT SSLR thematic day on 2021-05-11, Stefan presented his thesis under the title Formalization of network properties for resilient DLTs. The poster, slides, and paper are available on the website of the research group.
As part of the GT SSLR thematic day, Leo presented his thesis under the title Federated Security Approaches for IT and OT.