Professor for Cybersecurity at IMT Atlantique | Chairholder | VP German Chapter of the ACM | Cybersecurity Expert | Speaker at
IMT Atlantique Marc-Oliver Pahl is Professor at the Technical University IMT Atlantique at the campus Rennes, Brittany, France. He heads the Chair of Cybersecurity in Critical Networked Infrastructures (Cyber CNI) with currently 9 PhD students, 4 PostDocs, and 11 associated professors. He also supervises PhD students at Technical University of Munich.
Marc-Oliver is an adjunct professor of Carleton University in Canada. Marc-Oliver’s research focus is on a holistic approach to cybersecurity. He is an experienced teacher and an eLearning pioneer, holding several teaching awards.
Marc-Oliver holds a Diploma from University of Tübingen and a PhD from Technical University of Munich.
Marc-Oliver is Vice President of the German Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) ( He heads the Future Education activities of the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (
Marc-Oliver’s research focus is on a holistic approach to cybersecurity. He works on security-by-design, anomaly detection, human-in-the-loop, and automation. His goal is making cybersecurity manageable, resulting in highly resilient and reliable systems. Marc-Oliver publishes regularly in the network and service management and security communities.