Chaire Cyber CNI

Chaire Cyber CNI – Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

NOMS 2023 Manage-IoT Workshop was a full success!

The IoT is probably the most challenging domain for today’s IT and OT systems. Therefore, we co-organized for the 6th time a workshop around managing the IoT. As the past editions, it was co-located with the Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) in Miami, USA. We are happy to announce that the workshop received exceptionally high quality submissions this year leading to an excellent program. The workshop took place with about 15 participants on Friday, May 12, 2023.

A big thank you to Kemal Akkaya who gave an exciting keynote that you find as recording below. Another big thank you to our session chairs Erkin Kirdan, Joe Betser, and Sema Oktug. And of course a big thank you to all authors! We are already looking forward to the next edition in Seoul in 2024 with lots of submissions from our commnunity.


  • 09h00-09h10 Opening (Marc-Oliver Pahl and Manage-IoT Chairs)
  • 09h10-10h00 “Machine-to-Machine Crypto Economy,” Keynote by Kemal Akkaya, Florida International University, USA Enabling (40min+10min Q&A)
  • Recording:
    • Abstract
      Internet of Things (IoT) devices from tiny sensors to autonomous cars are becoming an indispensable part of life. To create an effective IoT ecosystem, it is critical to enable paid data and service sharing among IoT devices which will require the ability to make a machine-to-machine (M2M) payment to a service provider for services such as parking, vehicle charging, sensor data sale, internet sharing, vending machine among others. Since this ecosystem will be dependent on financial micro-transactions among IoT devices, a reliable payment system without human intervention is desirable for a seamless experience. As IoT evolves over time, cryptocurrencies, in particular Bitcoin, can play a critical role by serving as digital money in creating such an M2M economy. The successful integration of IoT and Bitcoin technologies will foster this M2M economy by introducing novel applications such as automated payment among sensing devices, and programmable financial transactions for consumer electronics. Nevertheless, this brings many new challenges to be tackled as it is imperative to have cost and space-efficient real-time cryptocurrency solutions for resource constrained IoT devices. In this talk, we will first discuss the elements of M2M crypto economy and then present some solutions that can enable making Bitcoin transactions from IoT devices through Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN) and how LN solutions can be helpful in making offline transactions among IoT devices. 

10h00-10h30: SHORT PAPERS SESSION (Chair: Erkin Kirdan)

  • 10h00-10h30 Posters in Parallel
    • On the Impact of Blackhole-Attack Variations on ML-based Intrusion Detection Systems in IoT (Amin Kaveh and Andreas Johnsson, Uppsala University, Sweden)
    • EFPCaching: Energy-aware and Fault-tolerant Probabilistic Caching of popular IoT content in ICN (Nikolaos Baltagiannis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece )
    • On the Fence: Anomaly Detection in IoT Networks (Dalhousie University, Canada)
    • Using Stochastic Petri net modeling for self-adapting Publish/Subscribe IoT systems (University Of Science And Technology Houari Boumediene, Algeria)

10h30-11h00: COFFEE BREAK

11h00-12h30: PAPER SESSION 1: SECURITY AND TRUST (Chair: Joe Betser)

  • 11h00-11h20 Worst Attack Vulnerability and Fortification for IoT Security Management: An approach and An Illustration for Smart Home IoT (Fathima James, University of Missouri–Kansas City, USA)
  • 11h20-11h40 Detection of IoT Devices and Network Anomalies based on Anonymized Network Traffic (Ariel Portela, Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Brazil)
  • 11h40-12h00 Programmable Active Scans Controlled by Passive Traffic Inference for IoT Asset Characterization (Hugo Sullivan, University of New South Wales, Australia)
  • 12h00-12h20 A Reliable and Decentralized Trust Management Model for Fog Computing in Industrial IoT (Xinran Zheng, Tsinghua University, China)

12h30-13h30: LUNCH BREAK

(Chair: Sema F. Oktug)

  • 13h30-13h50 A Comprehensive Performance Analysis of Stream Processing with Kafka in Cloud Native Deployments for IoT Use-cases (Istvan Pelle, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
  • 13h50-14h10 Bio-inspired Solution for Cluster-Tree Based Data Collection Protocol in Wireless Sensors Networks (Gérard Kponhinto, Université Gaston Berger, Senegal)
  • 14h10-14h30 MPC-as-a-Service: A Customizable Management Protocol for Running Multi-party Computation on IoT Devices (Oscar Bautista, Florida International University, USA)
  • 14h30-15h00: (Early Break)


The Internet of Things (IoT) emerges as a major architectural paradigm for achieving machine-to-machine (M2M) communication. Managing IoT-based systems is complex and exciting. Though being an evolution from classical management, managing IoT things is still disruptive as classical assumptions about connectivity, compute resources, or usage patterns do not hold anymore. The manage-IoT workshop focuses on management methodologies for the Internet of Things, including resource, data, service, and security management.

A propos Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) 2023

Welcome to the 2023 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2023). Held in every even-numbered year since 1988 with its sister conference IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM), the 2023 edition is the 36th NOMS edition and the first ever taking place on an odd-numbered year bringing together the best of both outstanding conferences, a great achievement for the network management community.

In addition to being an historical event for the scientific community, NOMS 2023 will host an exciting program including keynotes, panels, technical sessions, demo sessions, dissertation session, mini-conference sessions, poster sessions, tutorials, and workshops. These events provide rich opportunities for participants to learn, share, exchange, and set the current and future directions and developments of network operations and management.

NOMS 2023 comes at the right time where the networks and services play a critical role in new value creation, businesses growth but also in contributing to the development of humanity.

This year’s theme is “Integrated Management Towards Resilient Networks and Services.”

Technologies evolve at a fast pace in networking: 5G networks are being deployed and 6G network technological components are already developed and the overall architecture is in an active specification phase. Softwarization is being generalized at all levels of the protocol stacks and agile processes are in place to speed up dynamic service delivery and quality assurance across the globe and beyond. Digital twins of networks emerge to ease and automate the huge demand on monitoring, control and management of the underlying highly dynamic environments. Finally, numerous machine learning approaches are already utilized for optimized control, security and management.

Recent history has shown that the dynamics and manageability of networks are major value to maintain connectivity and service quality under extreme external conditions like the pandemics or in a situation of war. All-level programmability also opens new challenges to make the complex task of networking resilient.

NOMS 2023 is becoming a reality thanks to the involvement of all those in the network and service management community who share their passion for the field and who spend time to its development: participants, sponsors, authors, PhD and Master students, engineers working in the field, TPC co-chairs and members, Workshop, tutorial, session organizers and many more. As General Co-Chairs, we are extremely proud and happy to help the field grow !

Marc-Oliver Pahl

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