The chaire participates at the “Rendez-vous de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information” (RESSI) 2022. RESSI is a scientific event that aims to bring together and animate the French-speaking community of academic and industrial research and teaching related to the security of information systems.
The chair took part in the organizing committee of the 2022 Network Operations and Management Symposium. It also organized a panel on cybersecurity and a workshop on managing the Internet of Things. In addition, 5 research papers were presented with members of the chair.
Le 9 avril 2022, l’interview de Frédéric Simottel avec notre titulaire Marc-Oliver Pahl (IMT Atlantique) et le professeur Frédérick Benaben (IMT Mines Albi) autour de la RV pour la gestion des crises et de la cybersécurité a été diffusée. Marc-Oliver a présenté nos travaux et visions autour des futurs Security Operation Centers (SOC) virtualisés. Ces SOC permettront aux utilisateurs ayant des compétences différentes de travailler ensemble et de gérer l’arène complexe de la cybersécurité de leurs systèmes.
At the occasion of the IMT symposium on “Crisis Management and Digital Technologies: new Threats and new Solutions”, our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl gave a keynote on “Cybersécurité collaborative renforcée par la réalité virtuelle pour les infrastructures critiques” / “Virtual reality-enhanced collaborative cybersecurity for critical infrastructures”. Watch the video here:
Being part of the wonderful cybersecurity ecosystem in Brittany, we visited the ENSIBS and their excellent cybersecurity crisis management exercise. We used the visit not only to get impressed but also to make contact with potential future PhDs and PostDocs at the chaire, and of course to discuss joint research and teaching. Thanks a lot for the invitation!
On Jan 25, 2022, Léo presented his thesis work on Federated Learning for defending Cyber-Attacks in a science popularization program on French radio France Culture.
Europe’s cybersecurity and cyberdefense community met in Rennes for the 6th edition of the European Cyber Week (ECW) from Nov 16-18, 2021. Together with our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl, Léo Lavaur, Anthony David, and Nicolas Delcombel, three of our PhD students, presented a demo on our research line covering Virtual Reality interfaces for improving human-machine communication in cybersecurity.
Europe’s cybersecurity and cyberdefense community met in Rennes for the 6th edition of the European Cyber Week (ECW). The chaire plays an important role in the cybersecurity ecosystem and is well connected. This led to strong presence and numerous great meetings.
Marc-Oliver Pahl, titulaire de la chaire, a participe au Le Forum International de la Cybersécurité (FIC) 2021. Le Mardi 7 septembre 2021, Marc-Oliver Pahl participe à une table ronde CYBERSECURITY FOR INDUSTRY – TR02 – Protéger la chaîne IT/OT et les objets connectés industriels.
Click on the video so see some impressions from the FIC and the recording of the session.
On Sep 21, 2021, our Chaire Cyber CNI members had the pleasure to visit our partner EDF in #Paris #Palaiseau! Together with Youssef Laarouchi, PhD. from EDF, we organized a full day with presentations, demos, and a visit in the EDF lab. Thanks for the great discussions!