Chaire Cyber CNI

Chaire Cyber CNI – Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

Research Update 1/ 2023 EDF Palaiseau 11.4.2023

On April 11, 2023, we held our bi-yearly research update at the EDF site in Palaiseau. With almost the entire team of the chaire present! As usual, the day was full of very nice presentations from our members, enriching discussions around our research topics, and of course open discussions around the cybersecurity. Thanks a lot to our hosts at EDF for the great hospitality, numerous expert participation, and the last but not least the very good food. We can all be proud of this wonderful day!


10h00 Accueil – café
10h40 Ouverture : Marc-Oliver PAHL & Youssef LAAROUCHI

Axis Security-by-Design

10h45 Hassan CHAITOU : Security risk optimization for learning on data of heterogeneous quality [P2] [PhD] [TP]

11h00 Nisrine Ibadah – La cybersécurité des infrastructures mobiles critiques [P2] [PostDoc] [IMTA]

11h15 Loic Miller – Sécurité collaborative [P2] [PostDoc] [IMTA]

11h30 Pause-café

12h00 Luis Soeiro – CodeLedger : tracking the provenance of critical open source components [P3] [PhD] [TP]

Axes Anomaly Detection & Mitigation

12h15 Zeinab Ibrahim Rahal – Digital twins for cybersecurity [P2] [PhD] [TSP]

12h30 Léo LAVAUR : Federated Approaches for Defending Cyber-Attacks [P2] [PhD] [IMTA]

12h45 Awaleh HOUSSEIN MERANEH : Automated Learning for handling Cyber-Physical Attacks [P2] [PhD] [IMTA]

13h00 Pause-déjeuner

Axis Human-in-the-loop

14h45 Nicolas DELCOMBEL : Cyber Sécurité en Réalité Virtuelle [P2] [PhD] [IMTA]

15h00 Anthony David : Cybersécurité immersive [P3] [PhD] [IMTA]

15h15 Clôture (Marc-Oliver Pahl)

16h00 Discussion et café

About Research Update

The Research Updates happen once per semester. They are our big status event where our PhD students, PostDocs, and Engineers present their progress, current works, and next challenges. The research update is the perfect opportunity for getting an overview on and discussing what is going on at the chair.

About the chair Cybersecurity of Critical Networked Infrastructures (

The Cyber CNI Chair at IMT Atlantique does research, innovation, and teaching in the field of cybersecurity for critical networked infrastructures. Such infrastructures include industrial processes, financial systems, building automation, energy networks, water treatment plants, or transportation.

The chair covers the full stack from sensors and actuators and their signals over industrial control systems, distributed services at the edge or cloud, to user interfaces with collaborative Mixed Reality, and security policies. The chair currently hosts 9 PhD students, 4 PostDocs, 11 Professors, 1 engineer, and 1 internship student.

The chair runs a large testbed that enables applied research together with the industry partners. The industry partners of the current third funding round are Airbus, BNP Paribas, EDF, and SNCF. The chaire is located in Brittany, France. Brittany is the cybersecurity region number 1 in France. The chair Cyber CNI is strongly embedded in the cybersecurity ecosystem through its partnerships with the Pôle d’Excellence Cyber (PEC) and the Brittany Region.

The chair provides a unique environment for cybersecurity research with lots of development possibilities.

Marc-Oliver Pahl

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