Chaire Cyber CNI

Chaire Cyber CNI – Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

We won an Horizon Europe project: CyberSecDome

The CyberSecDome project, led on the IMT Atlantique side by Marc-Oliver Pahl, has been accepted under the extremely competitive European call for projects “Improved monitoring of threats, intrusion detection and response in complex and heterogeneous digital systems and infrastructures” (HORIZON-CL3-2022-CS-01). CyberSecDome will integrate advanced virtual reality to extend the capabilities of security solutions, with the aim of enhancing the security, privacy and resilience of digital infrastructure.

[FIC2023] “Protection des infrastructures critiques : un sujet au cœur de l’actualité,” 6.4.2023 14h00, Pavillon de la Région Bretagne F23

We cordially invite you to meet us at the Forum International de la Cybersécurité in Lille on 6.4.2023 14h00, Pavillon de la Région Bretagne F23, for our session with the Brittany Region and the BDI on “Protection des infrastructures critiques : un sujet au cœur de l’actualité”.

[FIC2023] “The Metaverse – Risk or Chance: A Cybersecurity Perspective,” 5.4.2023, 16h30, CNRS area

We cordially invite you to meet us at the Forum International de la Cybersécurité in Lille on 5.4.2023 16h30, area of the Masterclasses and Research Presentations of the CNRS, for our session with our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl on “The Metaverse – Risk or Chance: a Cybersecurity Perspective”.

[FIC2023] Forum International de la Cybersécurité – The chair is once again strongly present from April 5-7 in Lille

We cordially invite you to meet us at the Forum International de la Cybersécurité in Lille:

5.4.2023 16h30, Area of the Masterclasses and Research Presentations of the CNRS
Marc-Oliver Pahl, “The Metaverse – Risk or Chance: a Cybersecurity Perspective”

6.4.2023 14h00, Pavillon de la Région Bretagne F23, “Protection des infrastructures critiques : un sujet au cœur de l’actualité”

Pitching at the Siemens Research and Innovation Ecosystem (RIE) event in Munich

On March 27, 2023, at the Siemens Research and Innovation Ecosystem (Siemens RIE) “Digitalization & Low Code Engineering in Industry” our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl presented our works on the Metaverse and Cybersecurity. We see the Metaverse as the ideal subject for cybersecurity research today.

[ECW2022] Our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl is opening the event and introducing the chair Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

Our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl is opening the cyberCNI session at the European Cyber Week (ECW) 2022, and introducing the chair Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures. He gives an overview on the organization of the chair and reports on its management, activities, and open positions.

Join our CyberCNI session at the European Cyber Week on Nov 16, 2022

The chair Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures (cyberCNI) is organizing a session at the European Cyber Week (ECW) in Rennes. On Wednesday, Nov 16, 2022 from 9h30am to 12h00pm there will be a rich program. Join on-site in Rennes and online via the links below. Please share the info!

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