Chaire Cyber CNI

Chaire Cyber CNI – Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

Research Update 1/ 2023 EDF Palaiseau 11.4.2023

On April 11, 2023, we held our bi-yearly research update at the EDF site in Palaiseau. With almost the entire team of the chaire present! As usual, the day was full of very nice presentations from our members, enriching discussions around our research topics, and of course open discussions around the cybersecurity. Thanks a lot to our hosts at EDF for the great hospitality, numerous expert participation, and the last but not least the very good food. We can all be proud of this wonderful day!

We won a CREACH Labs PhD thesis financing!

Our multidisciplinary team around Marc-Oliver Pahl (Professor, Chaire, IMT Atlantique, UMR IRISA/SOTERN, Rennes), Yehya Nasser (Maitre de Conférence, IMT Atlantique/Lab-STICC/2AI, Brest, France) and Mohammed Nassar (Associate Professor, University of New Haven, Cyber-Crime Center, USA) won a prestigious CREACH LABS funding for research on a “Realtime AI-Based Power Assisted Malware Predictor”! Now we are looking for an exceptionally talented PhD student developing this project with us.

We won an Horizon Europe project: CyberSecDome

The CyberSecDome project, led on the IMT Atlantique side by Marc-Oliver Pahl, has been accepted under the extremely competitive European call for projects “Improved monitoring of threats, intrusion detection and response in complex and heterogeneous digital systems and infrastructures” (HORIZON-CL3-2022-CS-01). CyberSecDome will integrate advanced virtual reality to extend the capabilities of security solutions, with the aim of enhancing the security, privacy and resilience of digital infrastructure.

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