Chaire Cyber CNI

Chaire Cyber CNI – Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

FIC 2021: Secure-IC

At the #FIC our director Marc-Oliver Pahl took the chance to meet with Secure-IC. It was a great pleasure to exchange in person with Sylvain Guilley, CTO of Secure-IC. Sylvain already participated in our speaker series (watch the recording here). In addition, we currently have three job openings together in the plan de relance.

FIC 2021: Airbus Cyber Security

At the #FIC our director Marc-Oliver Pahl took the chance to meet with our partners from Airbus. It was a great pleasure to exchange in person with our chair’s president Serge Maurice, Director of Operational Relations and Defence, and to get to know the Director of Airbus Cyber Security France, Nicolas Razy. We are already looking forward to welcoming both in Rennes!

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