As part of the CyberCNI Chair session at the ECW 2022, the director of IMT Atlantique, Christophe Lerouge, talked about “Cybersecurity as central element in the DNA of IMT Atlantique – the chair CyberCNI in its heart”.
Being part of the wonderful cybersecurity ecosystem in Brittany, we visited the ENSIBS and their excellent cybersecurity crisis management exercise. We used the visit not only to get impressed but also to make contact with potential future PhDs and PostDocs at the chaire, and of course to discuss joint research and teaching. Thanks a lot for the invitation!
L’année 2020 était une année pleine de changements. Tout d’abord, la pandémie globale de COVID-19 a fait considérablement avancer la numérisation de notre société. Les
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