Chaire Cyber CNI

Chaire Cyber CNI – Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

FIC2021 – table ronde : CYBERSECURITY FOR INDUSTRY – TR02 – Protéger la chaîne IT/OT et les objets connectés industriels

Marc-Oliver Pahl, titulaire de la chaire, a participe au Le Forum International de la Cybersécurité (FIC) 2021. Le Mardi 7 septembre 2021, Marc-Oliver Pahl participe à une table ronde CYBERSECURITY FOR INDUSTRY – TR02 – Protéger la chaîne IT/OT et les objets connectés industriels.

Click on the video so see some impressions from the FIC and the recording of the session.

La cybersécurité concerne chacun d’entre nous – toujours et partout

I was giving a speech on the need for cybersecurity and strong investments in cybersecurity as basis for our modern society on June 10, 2021.

I was invited at the signage event of the German-French Academy for the industry of the future regarding the signing of the partnership with Airbus and ArianeGroup. The event took place at the Ministry of Economy and relance of and with Bruno Le Maire.

Crowdsourced AI-Supported IoT Data-Modeling (IM2021)

Our IM 2021 paper “Crowdsourced AI-Supported IoT Data-Modeling” shows how Artificial Intelligence can help unifying IoT data models during creation. The solution consists of an open repository, an Eclipse-based editor frontend, syntax and semantics validation, and machine-learning supported tagging and completion of data models.

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