Our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl, IMT Atlantique, France had the pleasure to serve the Network Operations and Management community in the Organizing Committee as demo co-chair. He shared this role with Young-Tak Kim, Yeungnam University, Korea. The conference received lots of high quality demo propositions this year of which 9 were selected for presentation.
Our paper “Distributed Device-Specific Anomaly Detection for Resource-Constrained Devices” by Christian Lübben and Marc-Oliver Pahl won the NOMS 2023 demo award! The demo showed how anomaly detection can be distributed on multiple devices, allowing a low latency resource-efficient detection of anomalies. It was selected out of 9 demos from different actors from industry and academia. What a great success!
On Dec 13, 2021, we had the pleasure to welcome the Member of Parliament Florian Bachelier and a high decorated delegation from Airbus Cybersecurity, consisting of Nicolas Razy, Head of Defence and Strategic Programmes France, Serge Maurice, Directeur des relations opérationnelles et Défense, Eric CHAMBAREAU, Directeur Engineering France & CyberEntrainement chez Airbus CyberSecurity, Laureline Kiss, HR Business Partner chez Airbus CyberSecurity, Frédéric Dubois, Head of Rennes Airbus Cybersecurity offices.
On Sep 21, 2021, our Chaire Cyber CNI members had the pleasure to visit our partner EDF in #Paris #Palaiseau! Together with Youssef Laarouchi, PhD. from EDF, we organized a full day with presentations, demos, and a visit in the EDF lab. Thanks for the great discussions!