Chaire Cyber CNI

Chaire Cyber CNI – Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

The chair received Member of Parliament Florian Bachelier and a high decorated delegation from Airbus Cybersecurity

On Dec 13, 2021, we had the pleasure to welcome the Member of Parliament Florian Bachelier and a high decorated delegation from Airbus Cybersecurity, consisting of Nicolas Razy, Head of Defence and Strategic Programmes France, Serge Maurice, Directeur des relations opérationnelles et Défense, Eric CHAMBAREAU, Directeur Engineering France & CyberEntrainement chez Airbus CyberSecurity, Laureline Kiss, HR Business Partner chez Airbus CyberSecurity, Frédéric Dubois, Head of Rennes Airbus Cybersecurity offices.

Meeting good friends at the European CyberWeek

Europe’s cybersecurity and cyberdefense community met in Rennes for the 6th edition of the European Cyber Week (ECW). The chaire plays an important role in the cybersecurity ecosystem and is well connected. This led to strong presence and numerous great meetings.

FIC2021 – table ronde : CYBERSECURITY FOR INDUSTRY – TR02 – Protéger la chaîne IT/OT et les objets connectés industriels

Marc-Oliver Pahl, titulaire de la chaire, a participe au Le Forum International de la Cybersécurité (FIC) 2021. Le Mardi 7 septembre 2021, Marc-Oliver Pahl participe à une table ronde CYBERSECURITY FOR INDUSTRY – TR02 – Protéger la chaîne IT/OT et les objets connectés industriels.

Click on the video so see some impressions from the FIC and the recording of the session.

Young Security Conference 2021 : Panel “Cyber security & Digital policies”

On July 13, 2021, our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl had the pleasure to be invited as panelist at the Young Security Conference. He participated in the panel “15h30 – 17h30: Afternoon Session III: Cyber security & Digital policies”. Click on the image to watch the recording.

FIC 2021: Région Bretagne, Airbus Cyber Security, European Cyber Security Organisation

At the #FIC our director Marc-Oliver Pahl took the chance to meet with our partners from Airbus. It was a pleasure to exchange in person with Annie Audic, Directrice de projets “formation, recherche, innovation” of the Brittany Region, Charlotte Graire, Senior Manager – Business Development and Alliances at Airbus CyberSecurity, and Danilo D’Elia, Senior Policy Manager- European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) Silo buster.

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