In his 90s research elevator pitch, our PhD Anthony DAVID presented her work on “Immersive cybersecurity”.
In his 90s research elevator pitch, our PhD Nicolas DELCOMBEL presented her work on “Virtual reality for cybersecurity”.
In her 90s research elevator pitch, our post-doc Nisrine IBADAH presented her work on “Securing mobile infrastructures”.
In her 90s research elevator pitch, our PhD Léo LAVAUR presented her work on “Federated learning for defending cyber-attacks”.
In her 90s research elevator pitch, our PhD Luis Fernando de Oliveira SOEIRO presented her work on “CodeLedger : tracking the provenance of critical open source components”.
In her 90s research elevator pitch, our PhD Zeinab Ibrahim Rahal presented her work on “Digital twins for cyber security”.
In her 90s research elevator pitch, our PhD student Hassan Chaitou presented her work on “Security risk optimization for learning on date of hererogeneous quality”.
In her 90s research elevator pitch, our PhD student Manel SMINE presented her work on “Software-defined Security for Network Function Virtualization”.
As part of the CyberCNI Chair session at the ECW 2022, Jérôme Tré-Hardy, Conseiller régional délégué à la transition numérique et la cyber- Région Bretagne, speaks about “Cybersecurity as key factor in the ecosystem of Brittany and the role of the chair CyberCNI within”
The chaire Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures ( offers an excellent opportunity for companies to do research in collaboration with academic partners. As part of the CyberCNI Chair session at the ECW 2022, Marc-Oliver PAHL, our chairholder of the Cyber CNI Chair explains what the benefits of becoming a partner of the chaire include: “How to join the club? 8 Reasons for becoming a partner of the chair CyberCNI”.