On June 3rd, 2022, our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl participated in the expert panel, “Cybersecurity – Readjusting Institutional Strategy and the Role of AI,” at the Young Security Conference (http://www.young-security-conference.de/) in Munich. Have a look at the recording: https://youtu.be/U6spk1ICr6M
Being part of the wonderful cybersecurity ecosystem in Brittany, we visited the ENSIBS and their excellent cybersecurity crisis management exercise. We used the visit not only to get impressed but also to make contact with potential future PhDs and PostDocs at the chaire, and of course to discuss joint research and teaching. Thanks a lot for the invitation!
Newsletter N°3 Décembre 2018 Le mot du Président Territoire à la pointe de la cybersécurité, Rennes a accueilli du 19 au 22 novembre dernier la 3ème
Newsletter N°2 Juin 2018 Le mot du Président La chaire « Cyber CNI » , portée par l’IMT Atlantique, est historiquement une des premières traitant de
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