Chaire Cyber CNI

Chaire Cyber CNI – Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

We won an Horizon Europe project: CyberSecDome

The CyberSecDome project, led on the IMT Atlantique side by Marc-Oliver Pahl, has been accepted under the extremely competitive European call for projects “Improved monitoring of threats, intrusion detection and response in complex and heterogeneous digital systems and infrastructures” (HORIZON-CL3-2022-CS-01). CyberSecDome will integrate advanced virtual reality to extend the capabilities of security solutions, with the aim of enhancing the security, privacy and resilience of digital infrastructure.

Join our CyberCNI session at the European Cyber Week on Nov 16, 2022

The chair Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures (cyberCNI) is organizing a session at the European Cyber Week (ECW) in Rennes. On Wednesday, Nov 16, 2022 from 9h30am to 12h00pm there will be a rich program. Join on-site in Rennes and online via the links below. Please share the info!

Colloque fin mars “Gestion de crise et numérique : nouvelles menaces et nouvelles solutions”

Co-organisé par la chaire / Marc-Oliver Pahl : Le Jeudi 31 mars 2022 de 9h à 16h15 le 15e Colloque scientifique de l’IMT se tient place à l’Institut Mines-Télécom – Palaiseau (91). Participez et découvrez les travaux récents et les avancées scientifiques sur la gestion de crise et la cybersécurité, menés par les équipes de recherche des écoles de l’IMT et de leurs partenaires.

La chaire présentera ses travaux sur la réalité mixte et le cyber et notre testbed. Plusieurs des nos doctorants vont présenter leurs travaux. Vous pouvez suivre sur place ou en ligne – donc n’hésitez pas de vous inscrire!

Visiting the big crisis management exercise at the ENSIBS

Being part of the wonderful cybersecurity ecosystem in Brittany, we visited the ENSIBS and their excellent cybersecurity crisis management exercise. We used the visit not only to get impressed but also to make contact with potential future PhDs and PostDocs at the chaire, and of course to discuss joint research and teaching. Thanks a lot for the invitation!

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