Brace yourselves for an electrifying session at the European Cyber Week 2023, where we unveil the latest breakthroughs in cybersecurity research presented by the distinguished chairs of Cyber CNI and Cyber Naval Defense Systems. LIVEstream:
Plongez dans la Recherche de Pointe en Cybersécurité lors de la Semaine Européenne de la Cybersécurité 2023 ! LIVEstream:
The first day of the European Cyber Week 2023 marked a resounding success for the Industrial Research Chair “Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructures” (chaire The event, renowned as one of the most significant cybersecurity gatherings in France and Europe, provided an excellent platform for the chair to showcase its groundbreaking work and foster valuable connections within the industry.
Les chaires cyber font front commun lors de l’European Cyber Week 2023
Our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl contributed an article to the whitebook around the “Lutte Contre les Manipulations de l’information”, “Fight against false information” of the Pôle d’Excellence Cyber (PEC).
In order to attract new partners, our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl pitched the chair in the Pôle Excellence Cyber (PEC) after work event. The “afters” happened on Tuesday 21 March 2023 in the heart of the Mabilay totem building in Rennes at the La French Tech Rennes – St Malo POOOL. This was a great opportunity to meet old and new friends in the PEC ecosystem.
As part of the CyberCNI Chair session at the ECW 2022, le Pôle d’Excellence Cyber talked about “The chaire CyberCNI as key actor of the ecosystem of the Pôle d’Excellence Cyber (PEC)”.
The chair Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures (cyberCNI) is organizing a session at the European Cyber Week (ECW) in Rennes. On Wednesday, Nov 16, 2022 from 9h30am to 12h00pm there will be a rich program. Join on-site in Rennes and online via the links below. Please share the info!
At the “Rendez-vous de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information” (RESSI) 2022, our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl presented the chair with a focus on the currently starting third phase.
Europe’s cybersecurity and cyberdefense community met in Rennes for the 6th edition of the European Cyber Week (ECW). The chaire plays an important role in the cybersecurity ecosystem and is well connected. This led to strong presence and numerous great meetings.