At the 2022 IMT Atlantique research seminar, Yassine Hmamouche presented our joint works on “Key Attack Strategies Against Black Box DNNs”. This work happens in the frame of an intra-school collaboration project with Yehya Nasser and Amer Baghdadi of IMT Atlantique Brest that are experts on hardware security. For the chaire this work is relevant as it complements our work on security of hardware systems coming form the software side.
Notre doctorante Mariana Segovia (TSP, Post-Doc 1 : Jumeaux numériques et cyber résilience) participera au 19e « International Conference on Security and Cryptography » (SECRYPT 2022) qui se tiendra du 11 au 13 juillet 2022 à Lisbonne (Portugal). Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur la conférence ici :
Notre doctorant Léo Lavaur (IMT Atlantique, Sujet T9: T9 : Collaborative Approaches for Cybersecurity) vient de publier sur “”>
L. Lavaur, M. -O. Pahl, Y. Busnel and F. Autrel, “The Evolution of Federated Learning-based Intrusion Detection and Mitigation: a Survey,”
At the 2022 IMT Atlantique research seminar, our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl presented the research activities around moving Security-Operation Centers to the Metaverse. The research seminar is a yearly event of IMT Atlantique where the school takes a resumée on past research activities and discusses on future research directions. This years edition took place in Rennes from 6.7.2022-7.7.2022.
On the research update spring 2022, our PhD student Manel Smine presented his latest results regarding “Software-defined Security for Network Function Virtualization“.
On the research update spring 2022, our PhD student Léo Lavaur presented his latest results regarding “Federated approaches for defending cyber-attacks“.
On the research update spring 2022, our PhD student Awaleh Meraneh presented his latest results regarding “Automated Learning for Handling Cyber-Physical Attacks“.
On June 3rd, 2022, our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl participated in the expert panel, “Cybersecurity – Readjusting Institutional Strategy and the Role of AI,” at the Young Security Conference ( in Munich. Have a look at the recording:
La chaire Cybersécurité des infrastructures critiques ( a participé au RESSI du 10 au 12 mai 2022. Cet événement autour du thème de la sécurité des SI a permis a Marc-Olivier Pahl de présenter la chaire qui entre dans sa 3e phase.
At the “Rendez-vous de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information” (RESSI) 2022, our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl presented the chair with a focus on the currently starting third phase.