Chaire Cyber CNI

Chaire Cyber CNI – Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

Horizon Europe CyberSecDome progressing in Rennes

Exciting developments at IMT Atlantique as we welcome Mohammad Hamad from TU München for a two-week collaboration on our Horizon Europe CyberSecDome project! 🌐 Combining AI and VR, we’re revolutionizing cybersecurity to predict and respond to threats in real-time. Join us on this groundbreaking journey! #Cybersecurity #HorizonEurope #AI #VR #Collaboration

Securing Autonomous and Connected Vehicles: Cybersecurity Challenges, Mohammad Hamad (TUM)

🔒 Excited to share insights from Mohammad Hamad’s talk on “Securing Autonomous and Connected Vehicles: Cybersecurity Challenges” at IMT Atlantique! Learn about innovative solutions and collaborative projects tackling cybersecurity threats in the automotive industry. #Cybersecurity #AutonomousVehicles #ConnectedVehicles #Research #TechTalk

The industrial chair Cyber CNI Hosts Successful Fall Research Update on Cybersecurity at Airbus Defense and Space

Institut Mines-Télécom’s industrial chair Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures ( held its bi-annual “Research Update” event on November 9, 2023, at the Airbus Defense and Space facility in Elancourt. The event brought together key industry members, experts, and researchers to discuss the latest advancements in cybersecurity for critical networked infrastructures.

La chaire industrielle Cyber CNI organise avec succès sa mise à jour de recherche automnale sur la cybersécurité chez Airbus Defense and Space

La chaire industrielle Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures ( de l’Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) a organisé son événement bi-annuel “Research Update” le 9 novembre 2023, au sein des installations d’Airbus Defense and Space à Elancourt. L’événement a réuni des acteurs clés de l’industrie, des experts et des chercheurs pour discuter des dernières avancées en matière de cybersécurité pour les infrastructures critiques.

Research Update 1/ 2023 EDF Palaiseau 11.4.2023

On April 11, 2023, we held our bi-yearly research update at the EDF site in Palaiseau. With almost the entire team of the chaire present! As usual, the day was full of very nice presentations from our members, enriching discussions around our research topics, and of course open discussions around the cybersecurity. Thanks a lot to our hosts at EDF for the great hospitality, numerous expert participation, and the last but not least the very good food. We can all be proud of this wonderful day!

Colloque fin mars “Gestion de crise et numérique : nouvelles menaces et nouvelles solutions”

Co-organisé par la chaire / Marc-Oliver Pahl : Le Jeudi 31 mars 2022 de 9h à 16h15 le 15e Colloque scientifique de l’IMT se tient place à l’Institut Mines-Télécom – Palaiseau (91). Participez et découvrez les travaux récents et les avancées scientifiques sur la gestion de crise et la cybersécurité, menés par les équipes de recherche des écoles de l’IMT et de leurs partenaires.

La chaire présentera ses travaux sur la réalité mixte et le cyber et notre testbed. Plusieurs des nos doctorants vont présenter leurs travaux. Vous pouvez suivre sur place ou en ligne – donc n’hésitez pas de vous inscrire!

Visiting the big crisis management exercise at the ENSIBS

Being part of the wonderful cybersecurity ecosystem in Brittany, we visited the ENSIBS and their excellent cybersecurity crisis management exercise. We used the visit not only to get impressed but also to make contact with potential future PhDs and PostDocs at the chaire, and of course to discuss joint research and teaching. Thanks a lot for the invitation!

The chair received Member of Parliament Florian Bachelier and a high decorated delegation from Airbus Cybersecurity

On Dec 13, 2021, we had the pleasure to welcome the Member of Parliament Florian Bachelier and a high decorated delegation from Airbus Cybersecurity, consisting of Nicolas Razy, Head of Defence and Strategic Programmes France, Serge Maurice, Directeur des relations opérationnelles et Défense, Eric CHAMBAREAU, Directeur Engineering France & CyberEntrainement chez Airbus CyberSecurity, Laureline Kiss, HR Business Partner chez Airbus CyberSecurity, Frédéric Dubois, Head of Rennes Airbus Cybersecurity offices.

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