Chaire Cyber CNI

Chaire Cyber CNI – Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures

Pitching at the Siemens Research and Innovation Ecosystem (RIE) event in Munich

On March 27, 2023, at the Siemens Research and Innovation Ecosystem (Siemens RIE) “Digitalization & Low Code Engineering in Industry” our chairholder Marc-Oliver Pahl presented our works on the Metaverse and Cybersecurity. We see the Metaverse as the ideal subject for cybersecurity research today.

Federated Learning as enabler for Collaborative Security between not Fully-Trusting Distributed Parties

Our PhD student Léo Lavaur (IMT Atlantique, Topic T9: Federated approaches for defending cyber-attacks) participated in the C&ESAR conferences at the ECW held from 15 to 17 November 2022 in Rennes where he presented his paper :

“Federated Learning as enabler for Collaborative Security between not Fully-Trusting Distributed Parties”
Léo Lavaur, Benjamin Costé, Marc-Oliver Pahl, Yann Busnel and Fabien Autrel

ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2022

Loïc MILLER, postdoc à la Chaire CyberCNI sur le sujet « Distributed Ledgers for Collaborative Cybersecurity » a participé à la conférence «l’Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) 2022 » classée au rank A (ERA & QUALIS) qui s’est tenue à Nice du 25 au 27 octobre 2022. Cet événement de trois jours axé sur la mesure et l’analyse d’Internet était sponsorisée par ACM SIGCOMM. IMC 2022 et est le 22e d’une série d’ateliers et de conférences sur les mesures Internet.

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